iRobot UX Internship
Lessons learnt from iRobot in UX Design and Human-Robot-Interaction

TrashML: TartansHack Grand Prize
A machine learning trash can that uses computer vision to help you learn to recycle properly.

Touchless Radio
Experimental physical computing interaction prototyping with Arduino

ResMed Mobile Design Transformation
Identifying white-space oppurtunity in a product oriented company for service.

Product System for Sustainable Lawn-care
Designing a complex product system for behavioral change

Excited to Belong!
A digital billboard Experience for Carnegie Mellon's freshmen orientation

A design research project to enhance the CMU grocery shopping expereince.

On-The-Go Meal Experience
Participatory design of a product that integrates into a person's existing lifestyle.

Wholestory AR
Personalized AR rocery experience that promotes traceability for Wholefoods

Creative Coding
Javascript, Living Systems, Biomimicry