
Collaborator: Ethan Ye and Tammar Zea-Wolfson
2017 // Skills: Design Research, Service Design, Stakeholder diagram, Journey Mapping
Project Brief

Healthy living begins with healthy eating. Although research has shown that doing groceries leads healthier and less expensive lifestyle, many college students fail to do so often for various reasons. Our goal for this project is to use human-centered-design research methods to investigate this problem and propose a design intervention to improve the CMU undergraduate grocery shopping experience.
Overview of Research Methods
Stakeholder Territory Diagram
Quantitative Research
Key Finding
1. The amount of money spent at the store is can be roughly modeled as function distance away from campus. Since Giant Eagle is closest to campus it receives the most money.

2.While online grocery is an exciting area, there is a clear preference within the CMU student body for the physical brick and mortar store.
Journey Mapping
Synthesizing qualitative findings
Proposal from Research
Digital Intervention Proposal

Mid-Fi Prototyping

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